Skills Knowledge and Attitude

Core skills, knowledge and attitude – required to participate in a big way camp or record event.
Compiled and maintained by Melissa Harvie for Aussie Bigways – Version 1.1 December 2015
In AircraftBoard and sit in the right order for exit
 Safety (seatbelt and helmet on, seated for your exit slot)
 Quiet and respectful / calm
 Movement minimised when using oxygen
Exit skillsSide door
 Tail gate
 Early diver
 Mid diver
 Late diver
 Floating (all slots)
 Floating – incl floating up to the stadium / above the formation
 Fall rate control incl fast fall / slow fall
DockingFly strongly in the air and ‘park’ / be static
 Fly on your centre point and use your hands / lower arms for grip taking rather than stability
 Reference positioning through centre point of self and formation
 Grip taking process and procedure
 Set up appropriately in relation to own body type and required formation
TrackingFlat track
 Flexibility to track level with others of different body types
 All on the correct radial
CanopyLanding in various wind scenarios
 Participating in a pattern
 Landing with boosters on
Dirt divingProtocols and process
DebriefingProtocols and process
PhysicalPhysically fit to maintain camp rhythm / jump numbers / slot requirements
MentalMentally fit to maintain focus on principles key to success under pressure of camp rhythm / jump numbers. Awareness of resilience model and techniques. Visualisation techniques
TeamTeam player
 Personal ownership and accountability focus
 Ability to respond constructively to feedback and coaching
EquipmentFull face helmet and audible altimeter
 Jumpsuit with grips and boosters
 Appropriate canopy
 Appropirate for your size and body type in the context of the slot / to manage fall rate effectively – Weight belt / sleeves / baggy t shirt or sweatshirt