Tips for Bigways No 25

Tips for Bigways No 25

What are you doing to prepare for Perris? Share your ideas and experiences on Facebook, #trainingforperris

Perhaps you have discovered a great training drill you can do on your own or in a two way or an exercise you can do in a swimming pool or as you stand at the bus stop or in the gym. Does your core control improve by balancing on a fitball? Show us!

Whatever it is, your team mates will appreciate knowing about it so that they can try it too.

As we get closer to our event in May, we each need to take every opportunity to get ready physically, mentally and technically. Let’s have some fun sharing ideas, photographs and footage of our preparation on Facebook and make this team the best it can be.

For inspiration here are a few skydiving drills you can try:

  • Practice dive exit presentation from a kneeling position in the door or from a later slot running down the aisle and launching off your left foot.
    • Emphasize being the ‘snot rag’ to reduce the throw forward then transition to a dive.
    • check out Greg Jack as he demonstrates dive exit presentation.  Strut Cam York Video#1, 17 seconds.
    • Hold the dive, stay on a radial then stop hard as if you were setting up in your stadium.
  • Try this process from all the different floater exit positions and practice tracking back up the hill.


  • Exit with a friend, leaving together and practice diving on parallel radials or have one person sheep dog the other.
  • Practice your pop turns and transition to a flat track as you translate on a radial from an imaginary center or away from a friend sitting base for you.


  • Try popping, translating and transitioning to a track in a two or three way, working as a tracking group. Perhaps have a designated leader.  The others can track to the leaders right or left, working on proximity and levels until the leader waves for the flare out at 4000 feet.3

With these and any other freefall exercises, always check who else is on the load and be aware of groups before and after you in choosing your line of travel and deployment heights.  Ask for help from an instructor to plan your skydive.

Who will come up with the best and the funniest ways to help us train?


Melissa is aMelissa member of the Aussie Bigways coaching team and the Australian Skydiving Team.  She is an experienced skydiving competitor and coach with a history of National and World level representation in 4-way, 8-way and Bigway Formation Skydiving.

Contact Melissa to discuss how her Supercharge coached programs can help you develop the flying skills you need to achieve your goals.  0408 553 561


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