SA Mentor Update December 2016
What a month for relative work in SA!
2 days of 4 way coaching from Ann-Marie Jarzebowski and Stricko were a great way to build some skills. All participants loved the coaching style, groups were broken into teams of similar skill levels so all participants could get the most out of the event. Jumpers were challenged to get out of their comfort zone and try a slot they may not have done before. The girls rose to the challenge with Angelique Rootman taking the front float slot and myself taking tail – Angelique is not very big, it can be quite difficult to climb outside on the 206 but she did a fantastic job. We had 13 participant ranging from 45 jumps to 7000 jumps. This event was run with generous sponsorship from the SAPC and the APF Fi Fund.
We also had a star crest weekend. SA is fairly unique in that we have limited access to large aircraft. Over the weekend we had 9 star crest loads using 2 Cessnas in formation. What a great experience for those who have never flown a formation load. Rhys Savage and Shaun Henderson loaned their expertise to coach the event. Great flying by some of our newer jumpers, it’s just that bit more satisfying to get a dock when you are approaching a formation from a different aircraft, also great for those preparing for the Dan BC camp. This event was run with generous sponsorship from the SASPC.
December is going to be a little quieter on the event front with the lead up to Christmas and a few people heading over to Victoria for the bigway camp.
Have a lovely Christmas and New Year
Sandy Nieuwenhoven
SA Mentor
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