NSW Mentor Update for Elderslie February 2018

NSW Mentor Update for Elderslie February 2018

DZ Days
Newcastle Sport Parachute Club – Skydive Elderslie by Kellie Watson with Robbo Robertson

Over the past several months the committee with the help of several enthusiastic jumpers has been making improvements around the DZ.

We have also been busy with expanding our event capabilities and in the latter half of 2017 we had:
– Canopy Course in October with Robbie McMillan aimed at novices learning tips and tricks and control of their canopy, streamer chasing, ground handling, doing a PLR, and how to look after your gear. 16 participants 8 on each day completed the weekend course. Thank you Robbie.20171217_102434

– Star Crest Saturdays were held on a few occasions with Robbo Robertson and included a visit from Vivian Merz and Melissa Harvie. On one weekend in November 8 local skydivers were ably assisted in obtaining their Star Crests. With several students and novices currently moving through the ranks more BCTT and Star Crest jumps will be organised. We take this opportunity to remind all potential Star Crestees to avail themselves of the Star Crest and Bigways Guide available from the APF, and to do this sooner rather than later – don’t wait to complete your B rels do it now!

-Our Annual Christmas Party with “Jungle Fever” theme was held on Saturday 9th December with over 80 Members & Guests attending. We had a delightful day of jumping followed by an evening with a catered dinner, presentations and Raffle. NSPC would like to thank it’s members and guests for a fun, enjoyable and respectable evening, so much so that jumping resumed first thing Sunday morning with our first load hitting the skies by 9am – something not normally done at Elderslie after such an event.

On a last note, one of our very own jumpers – Nathan Wagemans completed his 1000th Jump on our last operational day of 2017. Nathan, an avid Free Flyer, not only joined in on a Formation Load, but also participated in a successful Star Crest for a fellow jumper before capping off his weekend with a Hop and Pop. Nathan started jumping at Skydive Elderslie in 2011 where he was awarded ‘Student of the Year’, this year 2017 he was crowned our ‘Jump Pig’ of the year. CONGRATULATIONS Nathan!!24312763_1223470301089919_8994609636750359274_n

The future!! 2018 kicks off with 4 Way and the famous, longest running 4 Way Scrambles Event in Australia – Black Death, February 10th with our first Speed Star Sunday on February 11th. Click the Scull for Facebook Event Page.

But wait…..there’s more! Check out our Facebook pages for more events, news, etc.

Who is Kellie Watson? Her partner bought her a Tandem for her birthday to overcome a fear of flying in planes, that was 15 months ago! In that time Kellie has achieved her C Certificate, Display General, Star Crest, Packer B and was awarded 2017 Student of the Year at her home DZ – NSPC Elderslie. Kellie has her sights set on Aussie Bigways and would love to become a B-Rel Coach!

NSW Mentor for Aussie Bigways

