Mentor Update for Elderslie April 2018

Mentor Update for Elderslie April 2018

DZ Dayz Newcastle Sport Parachute Club Inc.

by Robbo Robertson and Kellie Watson with Guest Coaches

4 Way Camps

We had 2 4 way weekends in January with Stretch doing the opening weekend for 2018 and Helen Mahony the Australia Day Weekend. We plan to have such camps throughout the year, along with Star Crest Saturdays.

The plan for these weekends is to encourage jumpers to get involved in flat fly relative work, to facilitate improvement in basic flying skills and safety, involvement in teams and competition, and as the platform for whatever discipline jumpers choose down the track. Several participants have moved on to teams training for the Nationals.


Black Death 4 Way Scrambles & 1st Speed Star Sunday

A concerted promotional campaign resulted in 12 teams registering for the 39th Annual Black Death 4 wayScrambles the most number of teams for many years. The organisers selected 12 Team Captains whose names were placed in a hat and under the watchful eyes of  Treasurer Martin Perrins, Meet Director and Chief Judge Mossy, and the entire group of captains and participants Team Captains names were pulled out at random, and the captains then drew names from two containers marked ‘experienced’ and ‘inter/novice’. 4 rounds were completed with three teams going into the last rounds vying for gold, results being:

One Point Above 33 pts

Ivan Kljajic Capt.  Lennon Whiley, Ryan Sendlhofer,  Albie Castelluchio, Vid: Wade Edwards

Jack & Her Giants 26 pts

Mark Higgins Capt. Adam Curr, Steve Fowler, Jac Tearle, Vid: Nathan Wagemans

Big Dawgs 21 pts

 Zac Cusato Capt. Grant Martin/Rod White, Marcus Bolleurs, Beau Niha, Vid: Robbie McMillan

The medal presentations ended a memorable day, and we look forward to a bigger and better 40th Annual
Black Death Scrambles in 2019!

Skydive Elderslie has a new image

We have T-shirts in black and white available for sale at the DZ.
See you there soon!

Robbo – NSW Mentor for Elderslie

