Aussie Bigway Record Breaking Team Updates
by admin
UPDATE No 8 – posted 10th May
Hey Gang,
Here is my latest update as we draw very close to our Event starting – just 13 days to go till the commencement of our first 3 day camp at Perris Valley.
P3 Big Way Camp – Thursday 02 to Sunday 05 May 10
We have just finished the May P3 Big Way Camp here at Perris Valley, was a blast as always and the learning curve continues. There were about 130 participants from 29 different countries whom attended with the following Aussies in attendance:
Matt Hill
Kristina Hicks
Ash Barker
John Garnett
Terry Irving
Amanda Lavis
John Leech, and
Greg Jack
Also ‘Friends of Aussies” Roberto Esswein from Moruya.
The first day was 20/21 ways from 2 aircraft, Skyvan lead and Otter right trail – 4 jumps from 12,500’
The second day was 20/21 ways from a single aircraft, a Skyvan or Otter – 6 jumps from 12,500’
The third day was 30 ways from 3 aircraft, Skyvan lead and left and right trail Otters – 5 jumps from 13,500’
The fourth day was 38 ways from 3 aircraft, Skyvan lead and Otter right trail – 2 or 3 jumps from 16,500’
The weather was perfect, not too hot or windy ….. until mid-afternoon today when some cloud rolled in, so only one of the three 38 way groups got in its planned third jump in. It was a great learning Camp and now we are resting a bit and waiting to see who has earned a slot for the 100 Way Camp.
I have had many conversations with the P3 Team here and their coaches and they and the whole DZ here is as excited as we are for the “Aussie Invasion” about the happen here !
Above are a couple of photos of the available aircraft and the advertising for our National Record Event.
Dan is planning to have 4 Skyvans and 3 Otters for the event – with spare Otters if required, each of these aircraft can lift 22 skydivers.
Remember your Aussie flags and paraphernalia so we can let everyone where we’re from !
Lastly is a letter from QANTAS on carrying a Cypres in your luggage [thanks Marcus], I have never had any issue and I would not encourage anyone to carry their rig on as hand luggage – but wouldn’t hurt to print off a copy and have with your travel documentation. (refer to email sent to all registered participants.
See you all very soon over here,
Blue Ones
Aussie Big Way Team Captain
Popular Links
2019 ABW Perris Team Updates Facebook Page – Participant news and information before and during the event
Perris Q&A List – lots of information about travel, insurance, accommodation, jumping at Perris, etc
Participant Notice Board – please email information you would like communicated to other participants. We will add it to the website notice board and the next emailed update.
Aussie Bigway Record Breaking Team Updates – all previous updates are in one location on our website.
UPDATE NO 7 – posted 1st May
APF Sporting Licence for Friends of Aussies
An APF licence is not required for any of our ‘Friends of Aussies’ – only the Australians counted in the 75%+ of the record.
‘Friends of Aussies’ will need to comply with the usual requirements for jumping at Skydive Perris.
Log Book for Perris – will an electronic logbook suffice?
There was a recent query regarding this question. This question, along with many more are answered in our Q&A list posted here on the Aussie Bigways website.
Do I need to bring my logbook? | Yes – for those new to jumping at Perris, which is most of us! You will need the logbook pages signed by another licenced jumper, or at least the last few pages. If you have an electronic logbook, write out some pages from the last few jumps and have them signed, and show along with your electronic logbook. |
Event Facebook Page
Joe Rummy Clarke will be managing Social Media for the Event. Here is his update regarding the new Event Facebook Page.
Participant news and information before and during the event will be posted to the Facebook Team Updates Page, such as daily meet times. If you don’t have a facebook account, we suggest you buddy up with someone who does.
The Travel Plans event page will be used for this purpose and has been renamed: 2019 ABW Perris Team Updates
Link here:
Please share the link above for all those attending Perris to join this Facebook page. We are encouraging all those attending to click “going” on this page. Notification settings should be set to “All Notifications”.
General Media
Kelly Brennan is coordinating and managing media for the event.
She would like to remind all jumpers to follow @aussiebigways on twitter and also to use the hashtags #aussiebigways #apfskydive and #gobigorgohome on social media posts.
Reminder of Two important points for Australians:
• ESTA USA Visa Waiver Program
You can no longer obtain this visa at the airport. If this is not in place and up to date ahead of time, you will not be able to board your flight! THIS WILL BE A SHOW STOPPER!
If you have not done this yet, do it TODAY!
The process is not automatic. It may take some time to process and be approved. You need to get onto this TODAY!
• USPA Membership
Everyone will need a USPA membership. There is an option for a Temporary 3month introductory Membership that can only be purchased online – cost is US$30.
Otherwise, you will be up for an annual USPA membership – cost is US$78. Not a ball breaker but at least you know ahead of time the requirement.
Public Notice Board
Reminder you can email through any information relating to Perris that you would like the team to know, ask a question, post about accommodation or travel. Email Tracey
UPDATE NO 6 – posted 25th April
APF Sporting Licence
Every Australian Citizen / Permanent Australian Resident participant MUST have a current APF sporting licence for any Record we may set to be valid.
Please ensure you have achieved this BEFORE you arrive at Perris Valley and we commence the Big Way Camps.
When you register/sign in at Perris, we will be checking your APF Sporting Licence and your citizenship/residency status. (Easiest option is your passport or proof of residency, and current APF Sporting Licence.)
The onus is on YOU individually to clear any uncertainty now, not on arrival at Perris Valley please,
Aussie Big Ways Team Captain
Party Night – Theme “Sparkly & Shiny”
Message from Jen:
There’s a “Party City” store in Temecula (near Perris) that has lots of glittery costume stuff too 🙂 Link to the store website here
Popular Links
Perris Q&A List – lots of tid bit information about travel, insurance, accommodation, jumping at Perris, etc
Participant Notice Board – please advise if you would like communicated to other participants. We can add it to the notice board and the next emailed update.
UPDATE NO 5 – posted 21st April
Media by Kelly Brennan
Hi everybody!
I’m managing the media output for our mega mission to Perris. I’ll be joined by Anne Stanford (a communications professional from Melbourne/Brisbane), and our social media partner-in- crime, Joe ‘Rummy’ Clarke.
We’ll be seeking your help in several ways:
You’ll notice that we are currently trickling out bits and pieces at local newspaper and radio level. This needs to be driven by individuals. If you want to help out, get in touch with me and I’ll give you some tips. (There’ll be a big national media blitz during the actual record camp.)
Thank you to the awesome people who have helped so far. We’ve already had around 20 different bits and pieces around Australia.
There will be TV cameras around from time to time at Perris. Please help us promote the sport. Please remind Greg not to use the F-bomb in front of a camera.
Are there any enthusiastic writers out there who WANT to do the ASM article? The deadline will be tight, June 10. Please contact me.
Of course you can post your own stuff on your own platforms! You can post or blog to your heart’s content, and we’d love you to share.
When you do share – on facebook, twitter, insta or whatever – please add these hashtags: #apfskydive #getintoskydiving #aussieskydive #aussiebigways #gobigorgohome #skydiveperris
Twitter – Please tag @aussiebigways and @APFSkydive in your posts.
PHOTOS/VIDEOS – sky and ground
As you’d be aware, the P3 team provides a link for all their photos and videos. These can easily be downloaded when you are over there or after you get home.
For GROUND PHOTOS, I’ll take a hard drive and you can all load your best* pics onto the hard drive for me to share out afterwards. The intention is to share with participants, ASM, APF archives, and any other media purposes that arise.
*Note: Please supply these pics as we go. Just your best 20 please, not hundreds of files. Nobody will have time for big picture dumps at the end.
Kelly Brennan, Media Team Manager – Aussie Bigways in Perris
0438 29 8326
UPDATE NO 4 – posted 18th April
SuperTent Available at Perris / Lift from LAX Monday 29th April
I’m getting into LAX at 0730 (local time) on Monday the 29th April. So early! Is anyone else going to Perris early for the P3 bigway camps? Anyone driving to the dropzone who could give me a ride?
Also, Stacey and I are setting up a massive Walmart tent complex at the dropzone. It is called SuperTent If you are not coming to Perris because the expense of accommodation is the straw breaking your back/bank, F&%&**G COME! SuperTent can accommodate you! Or if you are staying off the DZ but your place is boring and you need somewhere to hang out, SuperTent can accommodate YOU!
Message from Amanda Lavis or +61 437628369
Party night
On a quick google search, there is a Dollar Store in downtown Perris. This could be a good place to pick up some glitter and party necessities. Click here for details
Sizzler’s Record
In case you didn’t know, we have important business to attend to in Perris and it has to do with breaking records – the Aussie Bigways Sizzler’s Record!
This record was set in 2010. I believe it was a 76way, but I stand to be corrected. This is the number of Aussie Bigway participants attending dinner at Sizzlers at the same time!
At some point during the event Greg is keen for the team to meet for a dinner night out at Sizzlers. Exact time and day will be confirmed when we are at Perris. Stay tuned, pencil it into your Perris calendar.
Sizzlers Website
Let me know if you have anything to add to the Participants Notice Board or next Update for the Team by replying to this email.
Participant Notice Board online:
Updates posted online:
UPDATE NO 3 – posted 16th April
Hello Aussie Bigways Record Breaking Team!
The feedback from these emailed updates has been positive so we will keep them coming to you in the lead up to the Perris Event to keep you abreast of all news and information.
Party Night Theme
We will start with the Theme of our Event Party night on the 3rd June: SPARKLY & SHINY!
Bec Dengate was the originator of this idea – so we can all thank Bec when we see her. Greg has given it the big thumbs up. The ideas are endless and something you could pack light or purchase at a party or Dollar store when you arrive. I have added a few pictures below to give you some ideas but think of glitter, glitter hairspray, sequence, silver, gold… think of Higgo in his mankini with body glitter… the ideas are endless… ? Enjoy designing your party wear!
Event Notice Board for participants
Some of us are not on Facebook, so I would like to offer this service of a notice board in an email format. Greg is busy with endless event emails, also working with some travel – we are sharing the load here where I will send out these updates on his behalf. Greg is keen to continue these updates at least once per week leading up to Perris now that we are less than 6 weeks out.
If you have any information for the team; need a roommate; someone to share transport or accommodation; airfare specials; etc. please reply to this email with the info and contact email / phone number. Participant Notice Board Link
If you have found your roommate or transport partner, please advise and the notice will be removed from the active list.
Link to our Website Team Updates will be:
UPDATE NO 1 – posted 9th April
Hello Aussie Record Breaking Team!
Only 43 more sleeps till we all meet at Perris Valley DZ, USA – Wahoo!
Greg Jack has written updates that provide important information for those attending Perris. Links below.
Two important points to note:
• ESTA USA Visa Waiver Program
You can no longer obtain this visa at the airport. If this is not in place and up to date ahead of time, you will not be able to board your flight! THIS WILL BE A SHOW STOPPER!
If you have not done this yet, do it TODAY!
The process is not automatic. It may take some time to process and be approved. You need to get onto this TODAY!
• USPA Membership
Everyone will need a USPA membership. There is an option for a Temporary 3month introductory Membership that can only be purchased online – cost is US$30.
Otherwise, you will be up for an annual USPA membership – cost is US$78. Not a ball breaker but at least you know ahead of time the requirement.
Links to Greg Jack’s Updates:
Information regarding booking tunnel time at Perris DZ, Prizes to be won and Update from Gail Bradley regarding Australian Residency rules.
For more of Greg’s updates
Quick Checklist:
• Passport in order
• Visa approved and printed (keep with passport)
• Travel Insurance
• Gear Insurance
• Flights booked
• Transport from LA Airport to Perris Valley DZ (Facebook page to arrange travel plans with others
• Accommodation (use Facebook link above to discuss and plan with others attending)
• P3 Registration and Deposit process
• What to bring – option to rent weights
• Reserve Repacked and Gear in order
Click here for more information on the above topics:
Registrations – TARGET IS 120 PARTICIPANTS
We currently stand at 112 registered and committed Aussie Players for Perris. This is enough to secure a record for Australia! Wahoo!
However, to give ourselves a good buffer and to ensure we truly SMASH the current record we are aiming for 120 registered Aussies.
We win some, then lose some through injury or unforeseen personal circumstances and remain at 112! We would love to move forward on this number to reach our target of 120 Aussies.
This is a team effort here, it is only another 8 players to meet our target. If you know of anyone interested, please encourage them to come!
Mark Higgins has written a highly entertaining and humours article that you could share “FOMO – A Sirens Call”
Kristina Hicks has also written a great story about “Contributing to Something Bigger” that you could also share to encourage others to jump on board the record breaking team
Party Time:
Shall we theme our Event party at Perris?
We have had two ‘Tight n Bright’ parties at Nagambie and Moruya, and a Onesie Party at Toogs.
Any suggestions of a theme for the Perris Bash? Please send your idea(s) to Tracey
We need something small and light to pack.
Currency is King:
Keep jumping, stay current.
Bigway Events planned in Australia prior to Perris: (refer to Calendar of Events for Registration and Information)
Bigway Formation Loads
Coach: Ben Nordkamp
Intermediate & Advanced Bigways
Coach: Mark Higgins
Bigway Formation Loads
Coaches: Alan ‘Mossy’ Moss, Tracey Basman & Christian Peric
6way Speed Stars (recommended by Dan BC for Perris)
Coach: Kristina Hicks
Speed Stars & Bigway Drill Dives (recommended by Dan BC for Perris)
Coach: Laurence Garceau
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