April Update – Jumping in 2020

April Update - Jumping in 2020

Hello all you awesome Aussie Bigway skydivers,

There is no need to go into depth of the multitude of challenges we are all facing right now and we’re all aware of the potential gravity of the Coronavirus Pandemic currently affecting our way of life.

On behalf of the Aussie Bigways (ABW) Leadership Team I would simply like to update you of how this situation may affect our activities planned for December.

Right now we are looking at all options, so to clarify;

• Moruya remains our chosen Drop Zone for any activity and we continue to engage with Skydive Oz regarding available facilities and aircraft.

• Many people have registered an Expression of Interest to attend these Event(s) – We are working on the responses as the Selection Team are working through a number of issues and will get back to everyone ASAP.

• Some people have been approached separately by the Selection Team.

At this time no one is sure if the event will happen, but If you are waiting to be part of the team, please submit an Expression Of Interest to the Selection Team.

Should the current virus evolve into a longer term set of restrictions, we are very considerate to the challenge that everyone in the team will be uncurrent. This would make a record event unviable if team members do not have time to train and drop zone resources and facilities are not yet re-established. There is a world of options for us to consider at this time and we would love to keep everyone updated on the options.

The ABW leadership team is still very active. Let’s continue to plan your training pathway and find ways to stay virtually current. Get in touch with others, stay connected and take the time to be positive about retaining your skydiving skills. It could be a great distraction from daily challenges. You could also visit or re-visit the great resources on the ABW Website, get involved in the APF’s weekly forums or progress your technical skills through Supercharge Coaching Calls (contact Melissa Harvie directly for details).

Everyone, please be safe and sensible with our personal actions and activities, lets ride this COVID 19 challenge out together as a team and look forward to our reunion in the sky as soon as it becomes possible.

Blue Skies,


