QLD Mentor Update April 2018
by admin
I continue to be amazed by the jumpers this sport produces. Five star crest jumpers on Saturday, three made it and two have greatly improved their skills. Special mention of Sam Messner who nailed two of the jumps, with a B licence and just 60 (or so) jumps to her name. Also many thanks to John McMahon who took one of the ASC jumpers on her third jump and she passed with flying (falling?) colours, and Dave Girvin who helped out all day.
Despite some threatening weather during the morning we were able to get four jumps in, and it was well worth hanging on for the clouds to clear. One spectacular exit was in cloud, with the consequence that base (yours truly) lost bearings and did not one, but two barrel rolls. Even so that was still a successful jump with the formation almost completely built.
The highlight of the day without doubt was the second jump – complete but for one low jumper, and it flew level and still from 7,500 to breakoff at 5,000. And best of all, the day was safe for all participants, in freefall, under canopy and on landing.
Last, but very much not least, my thanks to Ramblers, and to Dave and Darren specifically, for consistently and generously supporting these events.
Martin – Mentor for QLD
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