NSW – Mentor update for Moruya

NSW - Mentor update for Moruya


2- & 3-way scrambles and Camera coaching event

Skydive Oz, supported by the NSWPC, hosted a first (beer!) guinea pig event, taking 2-way and 3-way FS to the sky. The event was run to include as many newer fliers as possible to get into the world of formation flying, experience friendly competition, and meet new people to jump with. In conjunction with this event a new camera coaching programe was trialed, led by the highly talented Kestral Phillips, to get more jumpers interested in camera flying, but also to equip and educate them with the right tools to be successful.

Winners: Thea O’Connor & Paul
Most improved as well as stepping up over the weekend etc: Richard
Most improved camera: Tom Forbutt (his first time filming and he smashed it)


Both events combined made for a lot of learning and fun over the course of the weekend for around 25 participants, with prizes including jump tickets and tunnel scrambles entry for the most successful and the most improved. Thank you Paul Smith and the staff of Skydive Oz for supporting the event.

There is a lot of up and coming talent in both FS and camera flying, seeing the progression over just two days was fantastic. Watch this space for more events and competitions coming to a DZ near you!

Article written by Vivian Merz – Co-event Organiser & NSW State Coach

Vivian Merz

Shana Harris – Co-event Organiser & NSW Mentor for Moruya

 Shana Harris

Pictures supplied by Adam (Kestral) Phillips

Adam (Kestral) Phillips