WA Mentor Update February 2017
Training, Achievements and 2017
How cool is it to be a part of a great group of people and achieve your goal! In December I was so proud of the WA jumpers who attended the Dan BC Aussie Big Way camp in Nagambie. Every one of them performed really well, but more importantly, for me, they demonstrated the characteristics I would hope for in a team member. They performed to the best of their ability, listened to advice offered, applied the advice given and showed improvement. As a result every one of the WA jumpers who attended the event got to jump on a completed 2-point 32 way and be recognised as an Aussie Big Way Large Formation Sequential Record holder. Congratulations to Shorty, Rummy, Graeme White, Kevin Dodd, Paul Gresser, Peta Holmes, Dixie Lee and Garry Smith.
The Ifly Perth tunnel also opened in December and that is going to be great for all WA skydivers. There are lots of skills you can learn and practice in the tunnel which will help you be solid in the sky which is an essential flying skill for Big Ways – well to be honest it is an essential for any type of flying. If you need any advice on what types of skills and drills that can be done in the tunnel to improve your big way flying just ask me. There are also lots of hints and tips on the Aussie Big Way website
January brought the exciting announcement that there is going to be an Aussie Big Way P3 event in WA in December 2017. If you haven’t heard already then get ready to learn from the best when Doug Forth comes over from the USA (he’s Canadian by birth). It will be a 4 day event with formation loads happening on the last day. Dates are 2 to 5 December 2017. Apply for leave now!
With load organising on every weekend at York there are always some flat activities happening. Even with the hot weather we have had a couple of great weekends with Star Crests, 12 ways and a last light 16 way to celebrate Kevin’s 700th jump. Congratulations Kev. Thanks to Stu Barton for the footage and the editing. There are also teams starting to form and train for the National Competition being held in March at York. If you have ever wondered about competition well this is the opportunity for you to compete in your own state. If you are looking for team members to make up a team just ask and we’ll see who we can match you up with.
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