SA Mentor Update July 2016

SA Mentor Update July 2016

Saturday the 25th June I held a 4 way training day with Tommaso Liccioli and Jed Smith assisting me as coaches and Bryce Sellick on camera. We had 3 teams with each having 2 less experienced players. Great enthusiasm from all who attended even if they did find the C-182 exits a bit challenging. Of note one girl, Lauren, who finished her B Rels as part of the day and shows great promise in 4 way. Lauren is currently SAs youngest skydiver at just 16 years old.

In July we have the SA state meet, there are several 4 way teams that have shown interest, an improvement on previous years. The Lower Light crew have formed teams that incorporate at least 1 B-C licence person on each team to help improve their skills and encourage newer skydivers.


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