Australian’s Largest Formation Record 2010
On the 1st June 2010, 97 Aussies arrived at Skydive Perris, Perris Valley CA USA, greeted by Greg Jack and the P3 Team for the start of two extraordinary weeks. This was the start of two Bigways camps and the Record attempts, which was to become Australia’s three consecutive records and ultimately Australian’s Largest Formation of 112 way. A journey which was shared with Aussies, Friends of Australian’s, Friends and Family.
On the 12th of June 2010, there where six attempts to make Australian’s Largest Formation, but on this day it was not to be. Through out the day there was blood, sweat and tears. There was a very quiet dinner that night, the atmosphere was strange filled with mixed feelings, thoughts and emotions.
On the 13th of June 2010, some very strange, exciting and outright unbelievable events took place.
09:10am from 18,000ft above Skydive Perris, held for just over 6 seconds was Australia’s Largest Formation of 105.
11.53am from 18,500ft above Skydive Perris, held for just under 6 seconds was Australia’s Largest Formation of 109.
14.05pm from 17,500ft above Skydive Perris, held for nearly 4 seconds was the now current Australia’s Largest Formation of 112.
Aircraft used was, one Skyvan and four Twin Super Otters.