Captains Update, Aussie Bigways – June 2020

Captains Update, Aussie Bigways - June 2020

Aussie Bigways’ plans for events in 2020 and 2021

Dear awesome Aussie Bigways jumpers

A lot has happened since my email to you in April, so here’s Aussie Bigways latest and an invitation to participate in Aussie Bigways’ events in 2020 and beyond.

With good progress around Australia towards the easing of COVID-19 restrictions, including a number of DZs re-opening (albeit with restrictions) or being well on the way towards that goal, your ABW leadership team can now make some decisions about future events, primarily the Intermediate and Advanced Bigway Camp planned from 3 to 6 December 2020 and the Full Break Sequential Record Event from 10 to 13 December 2020.

Due to a number of contributing factors Larry Henderson will not be coming to Australia this December for the Aussie Bigways’ end of year events at Moruya.

We are immensely grateful to Larry for his agreement to coach our Bigways and Record Events, however given the current uncertainty of international travel between the US and Australia, the potential health impacts and possible isolation requirements in both countries for Larry and the question of aircraft availability in December to mention the most pressing issues, we feel this is very much the sensible and correct decision.

Given this and related COVID-19 factors impacting currency and facilities locally, we have decided to reposition the end of year events to a FUN Intermediate and Advanced skills development event and postpone the Full Break Sequential Record Event to 2021. Dates are yet to be confirmed, however the record event will be scheduled a few months after Nationals and not before May 2021.

The postponement was not an easy decision, but one we needed to make given the uncertainties mentioned above. COVID-19 has impacted our jumping and Bigway currency, with not being to get into the air or even a tunnel for around three months now.  We know getting any record is a major challenge for us all and we want to give it the best go by being as best prepared as we can.  This plan gives us all time to train.

Looking to December’s Intermediate and Advanced skills Event.

  • Dates: Wednesday 2 to Saturday 5 December 2020
  • Location: Moruya, NSW
  • Aircraft:  The plan is one Caravan and Moruya’s Beaver
  • Challenge yourself – the event will focus on Intermediate and Advanced FS and sequential skills
  • Your coaches will be Greg Jack, Melissa Harvie, Dave Loncasty and Andrew (AB) Barker
  • Sign up for all four days or any number of days for which you wish attend, and nominate the level of skill you want to work on – Advanced or Intermediate
  • Registration will open on Tuesday 1 September – watch out for this at
  • If you had already expressed an interest in the FBS Event for December 2020 (there were about 50 responses by the time COVID-19 arrived on the scene) we ask that you please register for the December camp from 1 September to save any confusion
  • Party on the Saturday night and travel home on Sunday

Thank you all for being so patient with us, and please, please be safe as DZs re-open and you begin to jump again. Take it very easy as you start to jump again, take nothing for granted – all the skills that keep us safe in the air and on landing will be rusty, so take your time and follow all of your DZ’s requirements for getting back up in the air safely.


See you in December if not before!

ABW Team Captain
