What is Supercharge?
This is a coached program to help you develop the flying skills, control and confidence to achieve your sporting goals.
Bigway Skills & Event Guide
This information provides a guide to the entry level skills, knowledge and attitude (SKA) required to participate successfully in Aussie Bigways events. Events evolve in their level of difficulty from Starcrests to Bigway Camps, Advanced Oz and ultimately Ultra Oz.
Development Planner
To be used in conjunction with the Aussie Bigways Skills and Events Guide
This tool provides a template for self-assessment; to assess where you are now and what you need to do to achieve your goals. Your coach will also use this information to help you progress during a particular event.
Skills, Knowledge & Attitude
Core Skills, knowledge and attitude required to participate in a bigway camp or record event
Dimensions - An Article on Body Position
A Body Position with Power – why do I need it and how do I get one?
Bigway Formation Slot Skills
Participants should aim to learn the skills that would enable them to be suitable for a variety of slot types noting that greater flexibility in the slots they can perform will increase the likelihood of them being included in the record as there are only so many of each slot to go around.
Women's World Record Visualisation
Visualisation is the term used to describe the process of using creative mental imagery to form a detailed understanding and plan of your perfect skydive.
This article provides a frame of reference to guide you whilst you are in action. The more depth and colour you can include in your visualisation, the more you are likely to feel in control of the situation.