National Perspective February 2019
by admin
The Countdown to Perris!
With only a few months till Perris, I would like to remind us all the importance of Currency and Personal Fitness. I would also like us as a Team to consider boosting our ‘Fun Factor’ whilst at Perris with Volunteers helping with some tasks – ideally partners not jumping at the event. I would like to discuss further the importance of these concepts in this article.
We have the last ordering opportunity for our 10th Anniversary Purple Long Sleeve Jersey and other Aussie Bigway T-shirts. Link and details for ordering below.
Currency is King
A large contributor to the success at our Premier Event last October was participant currency. Please continue to jump and stay current! We have our major and most important event upon us, just around the corner. I know many in the Aussie Bigway Team are busy training to attend Nationals. If you aren’t yet in a team, or not planning to attend Nationals, please continue to jump, no matter what plane or size formation. There is always something to practice or work on for Bigway flying. Check the Skills Guide. What skill should you practice prior to Perris? Check out the Development Planner to peg your progress whilst working on your Bigway Skills.
Don’t forget we have Bigway events happening around Australia in the lead up to Perris. Check the Events Calendar or your State Mentor for what is going on at your local DZ.
Jumping The Perris Marathon
For any weekend jumper it is not easy to stay jump fit for a 10 day jumping event. What can we do to prepare for Perris if we only jump two days on the weekend? Something that would help us all is just plain physical fitness!
Lately I have been pondering my own fitness and if I felt personally ready for the Perris event. The answer was a very definite ‘No!’. Interestingly when jumping at Picton the other week and broaching this subject, nearly every person there mentioned they needed to put more effort into their fitness in preparation for Perris. This is certainly a hot subject at the moment – it is important for the team to be aware of their own fitness and stamina, and to prepare for Perris. We are athletes after all…
We have invested in this Bigway journey time wise, money wise, and mentally – you want to be at your best in every way possible to last the distance. Those that attended Perris in 2015 may think they were fine and won’t need to do much more to prepare, but think again – we didn’t get in all our jumps due to weather. Those that attended Perris in 2010 will remember sunny days, every day, jumping all our allocated jumps and it was so much fun but hectic! (and I was 9 years younger then – just saying)
I have signed up for a 3mth fitness program that started this week. Every muscle in my body is aching! This was definitely the right decision. I know I could and would have pushed myself to last the distance in Perris but know I would have been a basket-case come the 3rd June, or our last record jumping day. I am no fitness guru hence I have signed up to a program prepared by fitness professionals.
Fitness Guru or not, it is not hard to get moving, to do something towards getting fit and strong. Here are some ideas on YouTube of exercises with some outcomes in mind for jumping at Perris:
- Squatting in the Otter exit chuck in the door, much like in the caravan.You might like to include squat and lunge exercises.
- Hanging onto the outside of the Otter waiting for the lead plane to exit, which includes hanging low on that bar to see under the plane wing for the exit chunk to leave. You might like to include push ups, and the good old fashion plank exercises for overall strength.
- What about balancing on the edge of the skyvan waiting for the count? Core body strength will go a long way to help with this.
- Remember flexibility is also important, along with your core strength.
Links to videos above to help get your technique right. I know there are many more that could be included but look into these basics to get you started. Research yourself or sign up for a program at your local gym or online. I am sure we will all be happy to have invested the time and energy into our fitness come that last record day at Perris.
Let’s make this Perris event the best yet!
Those of you that made it to Perris in 2010, 2012 and/or 2015 will know how much fun we have as a bunch of Aussies camping out and jumping together in the States. It is difficult to relay to others that fun factor. “Fun” is a funny word. For a three letter word, it has so many meanings – quite personal to us all. For some of us ‘fun’ can be a disciplined and safe skydive. For others it can be the drinking and after jumping social activities. I know for me, I am a destination jumper – I love jumping overseas or at a different or scenic location in Australia, with both the disciplined, safe and social aspects of skydiving rolled into one.
Here is what I propose – Volunteers to help with some tasks at Perris to boost our overall ‘fun factor’. Let’s make this a jumping event (or some may say party) to remember forever!
I don’t mind heading this up but will have limited time at Perris once the jumping party starts. Volunteers would be ideally partners of those attending. Participants need to stay focused on their jumping during the day hence helpers outside of those jumping would be best.
I have some ideas I would like to share, but we are not limited to this short list by any means.
- Find a few places to eat each night. Someone could research a Mexican, Sushi, Thai and Pub dinner options and book some tables in advance on the day. We could have a list of ‘slots’ posted each day for a particular restaurant or pub where we are planning to eat, and those that have cars that can provide extra transport. Were you ever in that position at Perris wondering where everyone was going for dinner that night? Well, think no more! We could have this posted each day so we are all in the loop and nobody is left out.
- What about our support partners arranging some outings for themselves during the camps? We could have a volunteer(s) research and coordinate outings during the day such as:
- Discount Shopping Adventures
- Trip to San Diego
- Visit the famous Venice Beach in Los Angeles
- Hiking at Joshua Tree National Park
- Then for the team, what about the following:
- Organise / Coordinate Yoga and / or Stretching sessions each morning
- Organise / Coordinate the breaking of the Sizzlers Record set in 2010 (Dinner Out that is… ). Greg can tell us what number we need to beat. Was it 70 at Sizzlers in 2010? That was a night to remember – let’s have another!
Let’s keep the team spirit high and the fun factor going at all times during Perris. Let’s not leave anyone behind!
Please send an email if you would like to volunteer for any of these tasks, or something not yet considered. Let me know what you can do to help with the fun factor of Perris –
Mentor Updates
Our State Mentors are working really hard behind the scenes to bring training events to the table for you – the jumper. Please avail yourself of these events.
Here are two fantastic Mentor updates from both Kelly and Shirley, who attended all three events at Perris in 2010 / 2012 and 2015. They both have a wealth of knowledge that is given in their updates – straight from the heart to you, no holes barred. Check them out:
Shirley Cowcher WA Mentor Update
Kelly Brennan VIC Mentor Update for Barwon Heads
A reminder to us all to grab some Aussie Media before we leave. This was outlined by Kelly in the December Captain Call under the heading Media – your help required….
Aussie Bigways Jersey & T-shirts
This will be our last ordering opportunity for the Aussie Bigways 10th Anniversary Purple long sleeve Jersey and our other T-shirt products. Cut off date is in March. There is a free shipping option.
Click here to Order through the Manufactory Shopfront.
For more information on the free shipping options – click here
See you in the skies soon. Exciting times ahead!
Tracey Basman – Aussie Bigways National Mentor
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